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Bunnies in a Boat

If you enjoyed Bunnies on the Bus then you’re going to LOVE this, because – hold onto your tails! – the bunnies are BACK! And this time they’re in … a BOAT!

It’s time for another wild bunny-tastic adventure! And this time, the bunnies have commandeered a BOAT! All across Sunnytown Beach, the Bunnies are dashing and a-splashing on a speedboat frenzy. They whoosh past the sail-boats, and zoooom across the sand, then it’s up on to the jetty where silly billy Bunnies get all covered in spaghetti! But, oh no, where are the bunnies off to now? To the airport, across the tarmac … it’s bunnies on the PLANE. Here we go again…

Bunnies on the Bus

Watch out! Move out of the way! Hold onto your tails! There are … BUNNIES ON THE BUS! And they aren’t stopping for ANYONE!

The bunnies have taken over the bus and they’re on a wild ride across the streets of Sunnytown! They whizz past the bus stop, swerve around corners and zoom over crossings on a non-stop roller coaster adventure! There are bunnies on the roof! Bunnies in the aisle! DO sit down, bunnies, or you’ll end up in a pile! Eventually, they come to a stop … at the train station. And what’s that they’ve spotted? A TRAIN! Uh-oh, here we go again… A hilarious romp of a book, with a fantastic read-aloud rhyming text and spectacular illustrations.

Win copies of Bunnies on the Bus and Bunnies in a Boat